Friday, August 11, 2006

Greetings and salutations

I've been dipping into such current topics things for a while--mostly on general issues boards like Off-Topic on and the non-starter of a group blog The High Council (damn post-college laziness...or would that be continued laziness?)

Now, it's time to do my own. I have things to say, important musings on politics, law, foreign policy, domestic affairs, radio, media, sports, what-have-you. This is the place.

I can't say I'll always be right, or even reasonably sure I'll be anywhere near reality...but I will be objectionably truthful, fair, reasonable, and polite.

As a premptive "huzzah," anyone who thinks what's written here is "hate" needs to go visit some of your less-reasoned and higher-vitriolic count websites run by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga or the fine Arabic language station al-Jazeera. What's spewed there is hate.

Me--I just write, think, and speak. Oh yeah, and criticize. Feel free to respond in kind--comments or email:

Welcome aboard gang.