Correction instanter
I've been informed by a good authority that it is Hartzler's which has the ice cream...and not some other fella's name.
Well, unless Old Man Hartzel opened up a shoppe.
A curious potpourri of politics, law, culture, media, sports, foriegn affairs, and frivolity. Apologies to Robert Conrad for that intro. Interests include law, radio, hockey, Rickenbacker guitars, and all things British.
I've been informed by a good authority that it is Hartzler's which has the ice cream...and not some other fella's name.
Just heard that song on WTAM just now. Apropos to me kicking myself in the ass and getting this whosit back up.
I've been dipping into such current topics things for a while--mostly on general issues boards like Off-Topic on and the non-starter of a group blog The High Council (damn post-college laziness...or would that be continued laziness?)