Friday, January 05, 2007

Correction instanter

I've been informed by a good authority that it is Hartzler's which has the ice cream...and not some other fella's name.

Well, unless Old Man Hartzel opened up a shoppe.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

OK, starting all over again

Just heard that song on WTAM just now. Apropos to me kicking myself in the ass and getting this whosit back up.

Cliff/WIXY's prodding finally paid off. Hartzel's for you, good chap!

Well, what do I talk about?

The forthcoming format speculation on 101.7 FM?
The new Democratic Congress--sure to be asn ineffective as the GOP Congresses of the past 8 years?
How about Britney Spears?
The strange aroma of pickles by my office today?
Or the odd circumstance, becoming more prevalent in today's finest "restaurant-type places," of your bowl of soup--expected as an appetizer--coming out with, or even, after the entree.

Explanations that they were slow on the soup today are misplaced--soup is made in a big old pot. You scoop out what you need. Pre-made.

Entree: unless it's a deli sandwich, it takes time to cook.

If there's a wait on a new batch of soup, tell the customer. Once I've had my French Dip, I don't necessarily feel like going back to the Potato Soup.

Perhaps I should make a small comment on one other thing: The Voice of the Buzzard, Len Boom Goldberg passed away last week. I never met Len. Never worked with him. But I was influenced by him. And even back in college, there was a certain emphasis I'd put on "WASHington" at the top of the hour that came, directly, from Boom.

Boom is greatly missed. He served the universe...and continues to do so now, with the Lord.

One last thing: Next Friday is W.D. Pa. admission day. I'll leave it to you all to figure out what that means.

OK, one last last thing: Tomorrow is FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY. You know what we do then--after tellin' to the slavedrivers, that is...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Greetings and salutations

I've been dipping into such current topics things for a while--mostly on general issues boards like Off-Topic on and the non-starter of a group blog The High Council (damn post-college laziness...or would that be continued laziness?)

Now, it's time to do my own. I have things to say, important musings on politics, law, foreign policy, domestic affairs, radio, media, sports, what-have-you. This is the place.

I can't say I'll always be right, or even reasonably sure I'll be anywhere near reality...but I will be objectionably truthful, fair, reasonable, and polite.

As a premptive "huzzah," anyone who thinks what's written here is "hate" needs to go visit some of your less-reasoned and higher-vitriolic count websites run by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga or the fine Arabic language station al-Jazeera. What's spewed there is hate.

Me--I just write, think, and speak. Oh yeah, and criticize. Feel free to respond in kind--comments or email:

Welcome aboard gang.